Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

18 Months!

I can't believe my little man is already 18 months old!
So much has happened since I've last written I'll try to share as much as I can.
First off Noah loves to Read and Talk! Every time it gets quiet in his playroom I'm almost certain he is reading his books! I caught some great pictures of him after breakfast! I love it when he doesn't know I'm taking pictures of him! As I shared above not only does Noah love to read he also loves to talk his favorite phrase right now is " Oh man!". The most surprising thing that has come out of his mouth happened after a trip through the drive through to pick up lunch, Driving home I hear " Please mommy please!" he was begging for french fries! Other words he's picked up include: down, up, doggie, meow, cat, raff (for Giraffe), thank you, please, Joe ( He screams Joe in the morning when he wants out of bed. I've had to start calling Joe, Daddy so Noah will call him Daddy again!), money (he always wants to ride the horse at Meijer), yummy, nose, eye, head, and many others I can't think of right now! Noah is also learning his ABC's! We've been singing them every time we cook or ride in the car and he is starting to pick them up. On a trip to Target a few days ago Noah pointed to the Target sign and said ABC! It's so cool when you realize they get it! We've also started potty training... I'm just introducing the idea, but he's very excited about it so I figure may as well start while he's excited. He went peepee in the potty once already and is very excited about his big boy underwear! (We'll see how long the excitement lasts!)
On another note we are getting ready for Halloween! I love dressing Noah up for Halloween and thankfully he loves it as much as I do! This year Noah wanted to be Woody from Toy story here are a few pictures ( I couldn't get him to put his pants on!) The Boots are his favorite part of the costume, almost every morning he'll run down stairs to find them so I can put them on. ( notice the book!)

A few weeks ago Joe had the weekend off!!!!!! We took full advantage and took a trip to the Cincinnati Zoo. If you have never been, I highly recommend you go. It is the best zoo I have ever been to, and I've been to a lot of Zoo's. If you do plan a trip make sure you plan it as an All day event, the zoo is very big! This trip we were surprised to see how many babies there were. The Tigers and cheetah's had cubs, there was also a baby bear cat and wallaby's. Here are a few pictures from our day at the Zoo.

Here is the baby Cheetah he was so much fun I even got a pic of Noah watching him!And of course the family picture!

hope you've enjoyed the update! Hopefully next time I'll get to it a little sooner. Until then we pray you are blessed.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Sand Box

Grammy and Grampy Novak came to visit from Pennsylvania. We had a blast the whole week they were here. We went to the Beach, ( a water park in Ohio) Noah loved the kiddie and wave pool area (sadly, I forgot my camera so the hilarious image of Noah playing in a wave pool will have to be left to your imagination). We went fishing, (Noah was so funny all day he watched Daddy and Uncle Kevin throwing Worms into the water and bringing out big floppy fish. When he finally got his little hands on a worm he did just that, threw that worm right into the water. Only he got frustrated when he realize the worm was gone and there was no fish! Noah's frustration quickly left when Daddy caught a Bass and let him hold it. I was really surprised that Noah wasn't afraid of the fish. Instead of being afraid, he stood there with a huge grin examining the poor helpless fish. Looks like we have an outdoors man on our hands!)And last but not least, Noah received a Crab sand box from Grammy and Grampy! Noah loved the sand box, I think it's the only thing that will keep him in one place for longer than 5 minutes!(for that I say "thank you Grammy and Grampy".)
Noah in his new sandbox with Grammy Novak
Till next time, all our love, The Gurka's

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sorry It's been such a long time since I've updated the blog, but I'll try to make up for it in pictures this post! A lot has happened since I last posted. Noah has become an Ice cream monster, Started to walk, and has turned the Big ONE! So the following pictures should get you up to date!
Noah has discovered Ice Cream! What else can I say, like Father like Son!
When The Weather started to get a bit warmer, we started venturing out. One of our favorite places to go is Holiday Park. As you can see in the picture Papa and Auntie Nini went hiking with Mommy and I. We also had fun exploring the play scape!
I'm ONE!!!

Noah loved opening his presents including his lightning Mcqueen ride on toy!

This is Noah's Cake. You can't have a birthday without yummy cake from Classic Cakes in Carmel!

At first Noah wasn't sure if he really liked the cake. But, As you can see from the photo's he really got into it!

The day ended with a fun Bubble bath, that was the only way to get the cake out of Noah's hair.
The only other thing I have to say is Praise Jesus!
We have been worried about a Cyst that formed under Noah's chin. We thought we might have to have surgery, but the Ultra sound showed that it's not a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst. It is probably just a swollen lymph node. Thankfully this requires no surgery. We will meet with our specialist on Monday to officially review the Ultra sound results so I'll keep you updated on any other news!
Thank you so much for your prayers and Love
Till next time, The Gurka Gang

Friday, February 27, 2009

Funny Youtube Clip

If you haven’t seen this video, by all means, PLEASE enjoy. If you’ve already seen it, you’ll probably still laugh the second time around. This was so me after having my wisdom teeth out!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Childrens Museum

After being stuck inside for a week due to the frigid temperatures, Noah and I ventured out to the Children's Museum. We spent most of our time in the Play scape. Noah loved climbing and exploring, but it was the water table that kept him the most entertained.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Review of 2008

Last year was an exciting year for our family. So I thought I would share some of those moments through some of our favorite photos!

March 22, 2008 10:00pm Noah Joined our Family! 6 lbs. 11oz. he was so tiny.
Noah only 1 day old

2 Weeks Old
Noah 7 weeks old. This outfit was given to Noah by a family friend isn't it adorable!
Noah's 1st hair cut by Aunt Natalie. He was just 3 months old.

4 months old and he already looks like a Boiler!
Noah's first time eating rice cereal 4 months.

I love this picture His face is priceless! 5 months

Our family trip to the Indiana State Fair! Noah loved all of the animals!
Noah 8 months old, that face says it all!

At 6 months our friend Josh of Sunlit Images took some family Photos for us. Here are just a few of our favorites.

Halloween we went trick or treating with the King Family. Noah and Isaac made the most adorable big Cats ever!
At the Kings Halloween Party. We all decided to dress up!
Noah's first Thanksgiving, We place a big Turkey Leg in front of him to see what he would do. As you can see he wasn't sure what to think of it.
Noah's first big trip was to Pennsylvania to visit his grandma and grandpa Novak. While we were there we went to Philly it was so much fun. Noah even decided it was time to start crawling. So in the Hotel Dolce in Philly is where he started crawling! Of course I was crazy trying to child proof as much as I could! We were so not ready for a mobile baby!
This is a family photo taken at the Rapp's Christmas party. Noah even smiled for the Camera!

I still have some Christmas photos that I have to download to my computer, but for the most part that sums up our last year. So Happy New Year! I look forward to the fun we will have and the new things Noah will learn in 2009 .