Monday, January 19, 2009

Review of 2008

Last year was an exciting year for our family. So I thought I would share some of those moments through some of our favorite photos!

March 22, 2008 10:00pm Noah Joined our Family! 6 lbs. 11oz. he was so tiny.
Noah only 1 day old

2 Weeks Old
Noah 7 weeks old. This outfit was given to Noah by a family friend isn't it adorable!
Noah's 1st hair cut by Aunt Natalie. He was just 3 months old.

4 months old and he already looks like a Boiler!
Noah's first time eating rice cereal 4 months.

I love this picture His face is priceless! 5 months

Our family trip to the Indiana State Fair! Noah loved all of the animals!
Noah 8 months old, that face says it all!

At 6 months our friend Josh of Sunlit Images took some family Photos for us. Here are just a few of our favorites.

Halloween we went trick or treating with the King Family. Noah and Isaac made the most adorable big Cats ever!
At the Kings Halloween Party. We all decided to dress up!
Noah's first Thanksgiving, We place a big Turkey Leg in front of him to see what he would do. As you can see he wasn't sure what to think of it.
Noah's first big trip was to Pennsylvania to visit his grandma and grandpa Novak. While we were there we went to Philly it was so much fun. Noah even decided it was time to start crawling. So in the Hotel Dolce in Philly is where he started crawling! Of course I was crazy trying to child proof as much as I could! We were so not ready for a mobile baby!
This is a family photo taken at the Rapp's Christmas party. Noah even smiled for the Camera!

I still have some Christmas photos that I have to download to my computer, but for the most part that sums up our last year. So Happy New Year! I look forward to the fun we will have and the new things Noah will learn in 2009 .

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here goes Nothing!

Well today I've decided to jump on the band wagon and become a blogger. Since it is the new year, I figured blogging will make it easier for all of our out of town friends and family to keep up to date with the happenings of our family. I appoligize ahead of time for the many miss spellings and bad grammer that will appear on this blog site. Hopefully I'll find the time to update on a semi regular basis. Much love, Leigh Anne