Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

18 Months!

I can't believe my little man is already 18 months old!
So much has happened since I've last written I'll try to share as much as I can.
First off Noah loves to Read and Talk! Every time it gets quiet in his playroom I'm almost certain he is reading his books! I caught some great pictures of him after breakfast! I love it when he doesn't know I'm taking pictures of him! As I shared above not only does Noah love to read he also loves to talk his favorite phrase right now is " Oh man!". The most surprising thing that has come out of his mouth happened after a trip through the drive through to pick up lunch, Driving home I hear " Please mommy please!" he was begging for french fries! Other words he's picked up include: down, up, doggie, meow, cat, raff (for Giraffe), thank you, please, Joe ( He screams Joe in the morning when he wants out of bed. I've had to start calling Joe, Daddy so Noah will call him Daddy again!), money (he always wants to ride the horse at Meijer), yummy, nose, eye, head, and many others I can't think of right now! Noah is also learning his ABC's! We've been singing them every time we cook or ride in the car and he is starting to pick them up. On a trip to Target a few days ago Noah pointed to the Target sign and said ABC! It's so cool when you realize they get it! We've also started potty training... I'm just introducing the idea, but he's very excited about it so I figure may as well start while he's excited. He went peepee in the potty once already and is very excited about his big boy underwear! (We'll see how long the excitement lasts!)
On another note we are getting ready for Halloween! I love dressing Noah up for Halloween and thankfully he loves it as much as I do! This year Noah wanted to be Woody from Toy story here are a few pictures ( I couldn't get him to put his pants on!) The Boots are his favorite part of the costume, almost every morning he'll run down stairs to find them so I can put them on. ( notice the book!)

A few weeks ago Joe had the weekend off!!!!!! We took full advantage and took a trip to the Cincinnati Zoo. If you have never been, I highly recommend you go. It is the best zoo I have ever been to, and I've been to a lot of Zoo's. If you do plan a trip make sure you plan it as an All day event, the zoo is very big! This trip we were surprised to see how many babies there were. The Tigers and cheetah's had cubs, there was also a baby bear cat and wallaby's. Here are a few pictures from our day at the Zoo.

Here is the baby Cheetah he was so much fun I even got a pic of Noah watching him!And of course the family picture!

hope you've enjoyed the update! Hopefully next time I'll get to it a little sooner. Until then we pray you are blessed.