Saturday, January 9, 2010


Welcome 2010! It's been a while since I've blogged I'm so sorry. I started a business with my sister in October called Shabby Chic Sisters ( and it has taken off. So much of my time has been spent creating new inventory and spending quality time with the family. Now that the Christmas gift rush is over, I have more time to sit down and blog. I figured I would show you some of my favorite pictures and give you a quick run through of what's happened since October when I last blogged. The order of this entry is a little backwards sorry, So it starts with the most recent pictures ending with pictures from October. Enjoy!

Noah's first time Playing in the Snow! This past week Indiana had a snow storm, about 6 beautiful inches of snow covered the ground. This was Noah's first experience in the snow, he got to help daddy shovel the drive, ride in a sled, and make a snow angel. After about an hour we went inside and I made hot chocolate, Noah absolutely loves hot chocolate.. he's asked for it almost every night since then.
He wasn't sure if he really like the snow at first, but after he went down the hill in his sled he couldn't get enough!
Shoveling the snow with daddy! We make this kid work for his dinner!
All bundled up! He reminded me of the kid in Christmas story!!
Big Boy Bed:
Noah has officially moved to his toddler bed. He discovered how to scale the wall and escape his crib. So, instead of continually giving mommy a heart attack we decided it was time for a big boy bed. He loves it, the only problem is I find him reading books by his night light in the middle of the night. I guess I can't complain it could be worse!

This year we had a small family Christmas. We stayed home since Joe had to work. I cooked dinner and my parents came over. By about 3 pm Joe got home from work and Noah was about ready to burst he wanted to open his presents so bad. So we ate dinner and opened presents, it was fun watching Noah's expressions as he opened his gifts. The mouse (from the book if you give a mouse a cookie) has become Noah's new "Lovie", he carries it everywhere.

Play Date:
This is a picture of Isaac, Teddy, and Noah during one of our many play dates . These three boys love to dance, paint and make messes, and they always have a great time together. During this play date the boys were counting the ducks in the pond. We also painted wooden snakes and owl masks. What a great date! Noah is so blessed to have great friends to play with.
Harvest Festival:
This past October we went to a great Harvest festival in Zionsville, although it was cold we had a great time. Noah's favorite part was the corn box ... as you can tell from the pictures. He probably spent a good hour in there transporting corn from one side of the box to the other.
Daddy and Noah on a hayride
Noah and his new ride!
Indy Zoo:
These two pictures were taken on one of the many weekly trips that Noah and I take to the Zoo. Joe got Noah and I a pass so we can go whenever we want.... Noah loves the dolphins and the giraffes. To bad they don't have any Emu's that seems to be Noah's favorite word lately!

We got some great pictures when we took a family trip back to Purdue. Joe and I got to show Noah where he would be going to school when he grows up!!! He loved the fountain, it was all we could do to keep him out of it!

Well I hope you enjoyed the update, and we wish you a happy New Year!
For those of you that actually read this, thanks for checking in on us.
Till next time, God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. adorable. he really is the perfect mix of you and joe. crazy!
